“…the professional learning community (PLC) process provides the best environment for powerful professional development and that the best professional development builds staff capacity to function as members of a high-performing PLC.”
-Dufour, 2014
Math Framework PLC
This year, our district rolled out a new framework for mathematics to grades 4-8. Our K-3 teachers did not receive this training, however they were still held accountable to implement the framework in their classrooms. Many teachers found this frustrating. Due to the pandemic and many of the scheduling changes that took place because of it, we had more time for professional development than usual this year. In order to make the content meaningful, relevant, and interesting, we created Professional Learning Communities so our teachers could choose which topic they wanted to learn about in depth. The topics we created with the help of our staff and classroom data were phonics, math, writing, and dual language. We had two iterations of PLCs so our teachers could learn more in depth about two topics of their choice this year.